Github Logonext-iron-session-with-JWT-authentication example

This example creates an JWT authentication system that uses a signed and encrypted cookie to store session data.

It uses current best practices as for authentication in the Next.js ecosystem:
1. no `getInitialProps` to ensure every page is static
2. `useUser` hook together with `swr` for data fetching


  • Logged in status synchronized between browser windows/tabs
  • Layout based on logged in status
  • All pages are static
  • Session data is signed and encrypted in a cookie

Steps to test the functionality:

  1. Write login and refresh queries in lib/authenticate and lib/refreshToken. Sample Data is available as well.
  2. Set environment variables with respect to your server response.
  3. Click login and enter your username and password.
  4. Click home and click profile again, notice how your session is being used through a token stored in a cookie.
  5. Click logout and try to go to profile again. You'll get redirected to the `/login` route.